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Feeding and management of laying hens in winter an

Viewed£º3677  Date£º2020-12-07

Winter and spring is a very critical season for aquaculture. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, it is easy to cause some diseases, especially respiratory diseases. At the same time, the humidity in the house is too high, which is easy to cause the reproduction and variation of bacteria and viruses. This is the basis of the spring outbreak of diseases, especially influenza, nasal transmission, transmission of bronchitis, etc. In view of the above situation, the following adjustments should be made in this season:

1¡¢Strengthen epidemic prevention.

During the month from November to December, we will strengthen epidemic prevention, focusing on:

Add immunity to Newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis and nasal oil vaccine. It is suggested to immunize with Newcastle disease vaccine (Newcastle disease) on the 10th day and then on the 7th day. Especially for the hens whose laying rate is more than 90%, because this group is the peak period of laying eggs. During this period, the requirement of environment is the highest and the antibody consumption is the most important period‚ strengthen the immune density in winter and spring, especially Newcastle disease (high efficiency) and xinzhike (high efficiency), and the interval between each immunization should not exceed 30 days, because at this time, a lot of energy and protein are consumed due to cold, and the synthesis speed and half-life of immune protein are greatly shortened;

During this period, it is easy to fail immunization. In particular, the water temperature is low in winter and spring, and the amount of drinking water of chickens decreases. Therefore, we should strengthen the dosage of vaccine. It is suggested that Newcastle disease (high efficiency) and xinzhipike (high efficiency) should be twice the amount of drinking water, and antibody monitoring should be conducted before 28 days after immunization. After the oil vaccine was immunized, the immune monitoring was conducted twice on the 30th and 45th days. The results of the first immunization were detected and the immune adjustment was made for the next immunization. Attention: pay attention to the temperature of the oil vaccine, and inject 0.5ml/piece each time. Before drinking water immunization, check whether the water pipeline is unblocked to prevent freezing and blocking, especially the nipple of drinking water is easy to be ignored.

2¡¢Strengthen management.

1) At this time, the management mainly focuses on ventilation, heat preservation and moisture prevention. It is also the biggest problem in winter management. It is suggested that the room temperature should be controlled between 16-23¡æand the humidity should be controlled between 50% - 60%. Semi automatic chicken house, should pay attention to ventilation before feeding in the morning, the method is as follows: open the roof vent interval, open all the middle, at the same time, open 1 / 3 of the door first, gradually open every 10 minutes. 1 / 3 in the north, 2 / 3 in the South and all at noon. This working principle is to gradually and quickly remove harmful gases to prevent rapid cooling, especially the chickens near the vent.

2) Humidity management. Due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the houses with brick tile and color steel structure, a large amount of crystallized sewage has been formed in the house. In order to prevent this situation, firstly, a large amount of hygroscopic materials such as sawdust, plant ash, lime, slag and other hygroscopic materials are laid under the walls of each house; secondly, a drainage ditch of 10 cm is left under the wall. The first method is recommended, because the second easy way is frozen. Change the paving material once a day.

3) Disinfection management. It is suggested that 0.5% formaldehyde spray can be used to disinfect, reduce the smell of ammonia in the house, or disinfect with peracetic acid, and do not recommend the use of alkaline disinfectant. Disinfect once a day from 10:00 to 12:00. It is better to use fumigation disinfectant without irritating smell.

3¡¢Nutrition management.

It is suggested to increase the amount of energy, vitamins and probiotics in the feed in winter and spring. It is suggested to add 0.5% vitamin and amino acid, 0.5% - 1% vegetable oil, or corn. The amount of wet corn above 30% is not allowed to exceed 15%, and the rest should be leveled with vegetable oil. The purpose of this work is to enhance the ability of cold resistance and ensure the normal laying of eggs. Otherwise, the egg production rate, egg quality and physique will be reduced. To ensure the continuous high level of antibody. Especially for the old chickens in the middle and late period.

4¡¢Disease management.

Mainly respiratory diseases. At this time, it is recommended to use lianri + Qiangli powder in the morning to detect the level of the drug.

Secondly, there are intestinal diseases. Before clearing the feces every day, observe the feces. If there are yellow, white and green feces, use Baitouweng powder and cephalosporin for 5 days, and add 3 times the amount of probiotics. If there is a large amount of green feces, or yellow white green feces, immediately send for examination, according to the test results immediately dosing. In case of Taenia solium, use praziquantel to drive twice on an empty stomach in the morning, with an interval of 7 days. At the same time, vitamins and probiotics are added for 10 days to prevent egg dropping. Observe whether there are mites or feather lice in the chicken and cage. If deltamethrin or jimeiling are used to drive them away, they should be used for 3 days continuously. After half a month, they should be thoroughly removed in 3 days.

To sum up, as long as the ventilation, temperature, humidity, do a good job in advance immunization, increase the density of epidemic prevention, timely do a good job of immune monitoring, chickens will survive the winter safely.

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