Disease Prevention

Common diseases of poultry in spring and its preve

Viewed£º3650  Date£º2020-12-07

In winter and spring, this is also the most difficult stage for breeding friends. How warm or cold, big temperature difference between day and night, windy weather, high dust in the air, dry weather, all things regenerate, bacteria and viruses are easy to reproduce, and the poultry that survived the cold winter are often thinner, immune capacity and disease resistance decline, the factors of poultry breeding in the big environment are extremely unfavorable, a little carelessness will cause disease. The following suggestions are made on the prevention and control of several common diseases.

1. Gosling plague

Spring is the peak period of raising geese, and the northern area has begun to fill the hurdles one after another. At this stage, the source of goose vaccine is scattered, and the immune situation of breeding geese is not clear, so gosling plague is very easy to occur.

Gosling plague is an acute or subacute septic infectious disease of gosling caused by gosling plague virus, mainly affecting 3-20 day old gosling. Clinically, it is characterized by mental fatigue, aloofness, serious rhinorrhea, frequent shaking of head, pulling of grayish yellow or yellow green dilute feces, nervous disorder, necrosis and detachment of mucosa in the middle and posterior segments of the small intestine and coagulation of cellulose exudate to form embolus, which is shaped like a sausage. It often presents septicemia, and the incidence rate and mortality rate are very high, which is very harmful to goose industry.

Methods: 0.5ml and 1ml anti plague antibody were injected subcutaneously at 1 day old and 7 day old geese respectively.

Goose Paramyxovirus Disease

The disease can occur from goslings to breeding geese. Its main symptoms are mental depression, loss of appetite, yellowish white or green loose feces. The pathological changes are characterized by gray necrotic foci in spleen and pancreas, necrosis and ulceration in digestive tract mucosa, which have great influence on laying eggs of breeding geese and can lead to death.

Prevention method: the 10 day old geese were subcutaneously injected with 0.5ml of Kazakh medicine Xinliu. 0.5-1.5ml of Kazakh medicine Xinliu can be injected in 10 days old, 60 days old and 10 days before laying eggs.

3. Avian influenza

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 subtype virus, h7n9 virus mutation speed is faster and faster, the virulence to all kinds of poultry is also increasing.

The diseased poultry were depressed in spirit, shivering in walking, bleeding in foot scales, sharp drop in egg production and large-scale death.

Autopsy showed cardiac hemorrhage, myocardial necrosis, coronary artery fat bleeding points, trachea congestion, bleeding, pulmonary hemorrhage, follicle congestion, bleeding, necrosis, some follicles rupture, forming yolk peritonitis, oviduct white secretion, kidney swelling, congestion, liver swelling, bleeding, etc.

In addition to immunization, daily management is also very important. During the period of Xinguan epidemic, more attention should be paid to daily management. The following points are recommended:

A. Good ventilation and heat preservation

At present, the outside weather is in changeable seasons, sometimes cold and hot, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job in ventilation and heat preservation, so that poultry can have a relatively stable living environment and enhance their resistance.

B. Do a good job in Biosafety

Foreigners refuse to enter, not only to protect individuals, but also to protect poultry. I also do not want to go to slaughterhouses, poultry markets and other potential virus contaminated places. Clean the clean channel and the site of chicken farm according to the regulations, and spray and disinfect with 3% caustic soda or 0.25% sodium dichloroisocyanurate. Chicken dooryard, chicken house pedal basin disinfection with 0.25%-0.5% Kehao Pu, with chicken povidone iodine spray disinfection.

C. Inspect the poultry house, make records, and evaluate the status of the chickens

Every day, we should visit the poultry house with questions. We should see and listen to everything. Observation: drinking water, food, spirit, sports, feathers, mating, fecal color, egg shape and color, body condition, etc. listen to respiratory tract at night. Daily statistics of dead panning, laying rate, drinking water, feed and other basic data. Through the above work, we can accurately assess the health status of poultry, find problems and solve them in time, and eliminate the problems in the bud. Contact the local veterinarian if the disease can not be solved.

D. Regular health care drugs can be selected, such as electrolytic multidimensional, microecological preparation, vitamin C, vitamin E, astragalus polysaccharide and other health care drugs

E. After entering the spring, we should timely eliminate the poultry with low yield, stop production, weakness and no therapeutic value, and optimize the poultry population. Reasonable feeding to ensure feed supply

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